1107 Old Princes Hwy,
Corner Boronia Ave – Engadine 2233
Phone: 02 9520 9944
Fax: 02 9520 8766
(email for healthcare and insurance emails only. Patients’ emails can not be accepted at this time, please contact reception by Telephone.)
Our Healthlink EDI is ENGADINE
For After Hours Medical Care or if the surgery is closed, emergency medical care is available as follows:
1. Attend Emergency Department, The Sutherland Hospital Phone 9540 7111
2. For Home Visits ring Sydney Medical Service Co-Op – 8724 6300
3. In an Emergency. OR IF YOU FEEL URGENT ATTENTION IS REQUIRED ring for an ambulance on ” 000″
4. Contact Urgent Care on 1800 022 222, 8am to 8pm, located at 42 President Avenue Caringbah.