Engadine Medical Centre

Below are links that you may find useful or which your doctor has recommended


Diabetes Sick Day Guide – For Type 2 Diabetes: Provided by Australian Diabetes Educators Association ( www.adea.com.au ) 

Diabetes Sick Day Guide – For Type 1 Diabetes: Also provided by Australian Diabetes Educators Association

Infants and Children

– Raising Children – www.raisingchildren.net.au . An Australian site outlining normal development and common problems of infants and children

Breastfeeding and how to latch properly – https://youtu.be/Ec9Q7BVuur0  HINT: newborn babies often fall asleep on the breast – change the nappy at this time so baby can feed again on the same breast – it is important baby empties the first breast before offering the otherside so that they get the hind milk which is fatty and makes them feel full.

– The Children’s Hospital Melbourne “Kids Health Info: Fact Sheets” – https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/  –  An extensive and excellent resource for parents

– 4 Year Old Kids Health Check – questionnaire

Please download, fill in the questionnaire and bring it with you for your child’s 4 year old health check

– Circumcision: This site discusses the Pros and Cons of circumcision as well as care of the intact foreskin http://www.mbf.com.au/Wellness/Articles/male_circumcision.html 

– Immunisation: – Myths and Concerns regarding immunisation addressed head on by the National Health and Medical Research Council, with references provided. Teens and Adolescents

Men's Health

Should you get a PSA test? (A blood test screening for prostate cancer).  Australian Government – Dept of Health Position Statement

Woman's Health

Should you take Hormone Replacement Therapy at menopause?  A good overview provided by the Better Health Channel  ( a Victorian Government initiative)

Sexual Health

A good official website on STIs, how to prevent, diagnose, and what to do about them. Know the facts on STIs

Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol, Smoking Cessation

Beyond Blue – Australian website with information on depression

ReachOut – Online advice for adolescents and Yound Adults dealing with mental or physical challenges

 MoodGym –  A free self help program to teach cognitive behaviour therapy skills to people vulnerable to depression and anxiety. This is an independent resource developed and delivered by theAustralian National University

Alcoholics Anonymous – Meets 8pm Fridays : Salvation Army Hall, 68 Cambrai Ave, Engadine. Just turn up and ask for Allan or Rick

Smoking Cessation – Check out the website http://IcanQuit.com.au or download the free App Quit Now, My QuitBuddy

Aged Care

Print out form for ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE –  (  Prof Colleen Cartwright ) This is a document in which you can state your wishes regarding what medical treatment you would want, or not want, should a time come when you are unable to speak for yourself

The Merck Manual

A reliable and comprehensive medical manual written for the general public
